Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Huber

Professor für Hämatologie 


Professor Andreas Robert Huber is a doctor of medicine, a professor of medicine, and a doctoral tutor. Until 2018 he was the dean of Medical Affairs at Kantonsspital Aarau AG and the head of the department of laboratory medicine. Formerly the President of the Swiss Union of Laboratory Medicine and many other professional societies, he is currently a member of the Swiss Medical Association, the Swiss Society of Medical Oncology, the Swiss Society of Clinical Chemistry and the Swiss Laboratory Association, a national ISO accreditation committee expert and a member of different Swiss government agencies (genetics until 2019, medical reimbursement until 2008, and pharmaceutical and medical-technical supply chain currently).

Professor Huber has worked at the University of Zurich, at the University of Michigan USA, at Emory University School of Medicine, USA and tought among other institutions at the University of Bern, Switzerland. Most recently he had appointments at the Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH, worldwide ranking No 9) and the University of Zurich (worldwide No 76). His clinical focus was in hematology and oncology, and his high academic attainments were in hematology, oncology and laboratory medicine research. He is also a top scholar in the management of medical laboratories. A total of more than 350 SCI articles have been published, with a total impact factor greater than 850 and a H-Index of 41. Among others, more than 50 papers have been published in very high-level journals such as Science, The Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Blood, Brain and Clinical Chemistry. He had over 20 large research projects in the United States, Switzerland and the European Union. He received the University of Zurich Research Committee Award, the American Heart Association Distinguished Scientist Achievement Award, and the American Academy of Critical Care Medicine Best Research Award. He is currently a special reviewer for 17 academic journals including Blood, Circulation and Clinical Chemistry. In the Swiss army he served until 2016 as a colonel in the function of head medical services, staff logistic basis of the army.

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