Quality management at the UFL
UFL strives for the highest quality in teaching and research and is orientated towards European and international standards. Quality assurance is anchored in various offices and committees at UFL. A culture of quality supported by all members is promoted and further developed through continuous exchange within the departments and organisational units as well as through external exchange of experience.
Quality assurance measures relate in particular to teaching, research, infrastructure, resources and personnel. Important cross-cutting issues include networking and cooperation, sustainability, diversity and inclusion.
As the university grows, the methods for collecting relevant data are also evolving. The data collection points and categories are continuously adapted. The aim is to define key indicators that represent quantifiable values and clearly formulated purposes and meet the needs of UFL. The cross-faculty strategy development and the different disciplines pose particular challenges.
Statutes and guidelines of the UFL
The study programmes and certificate courses at UFL are based on the Law of 25 November 2004 on Higher Education (Higher Education Act; HSG), the Ordinance of 16 August 2011 on Higher Education (Higher Education Ordinance; HSV) and the Qualifications Framework for Higher Education in the Principality of Liechtenstein NQ.FL-HS. Both doctoral programmes are based on the Salzburg Principles and the Salzburg II Recommendations published by the European University Association (EUA) in 2010 and their further developments.
Internal quality assurance
Degree and continuing study programmes regulations
All aspects of a degree programme or continuing study programmes, from admission to the possible withdrawal of an academic degree or the revocation of a certificate, are regulated in the study and course regulations that have been issued and are always available on the homepage.
Amendments to the study and course regulations are prepared by the respective programme or course director together with the dean of the respective faculty. Proposed amendments are submitted to the member of the scientific advisory board and the senate for discussion. Following the recommendation by the advisory boards or the decision by the senate, the amendments are submitted to the university management for approval.
Student Life Cycle
Qualitätsentwicklung und -sicherung in Studium und Lehre werden an der UFL stets aus zwei Blickwinkeln betrachtet: aus jenem der Studierenden und jenem der Lehrenden und Gutachter:innen.
Ausgehend von den Studierenden werden Massnahmen in Studium und Weiterbildung in sechs Kategorien umgesetzt:
Information | Bewerbung | Aufnahmeverfahren und Zulassung | Studium | Prüfung | Alumni.
External Quality Assurance
Institutional accreditation by an agency registered in the European Register of Quality Assurance Agencies (EQAR) is a key element of external quality assurance. The regular evaluation procedures and on-site visits by external experts contribute significantly to the maintenance and further development of UFL.
As part of institutional accreditation, which must be carried out at least every six years in accordance with Art. 38 of the Liechtenstein Higher Education Law, UFL's quality assurance is regularly reviewed externally. The university was successfully re-accredited in 2022 by the German accreditation agency ACQUIN without any conditions.
Quality Assurance Agency | Date accredited | Result | Report | |
Accreditation, Certification and Quality Assurance Institute (ACQUIN) | 18.07.2022 | positive, without conditions | Link |
Programme accreditation is mandatory in accordance with the Liechtenstein Higher Education Law (HSG) upon initial approval by the government. Irrespective of the legal provisions, UFL has decided to subject its degree programmes to regular external examinations.
The accreditation procedures are part of the quality assurance cycle in the area of Studies and Further Education. The results of these review processes are incorporated into the continuous improvement measures in study programmes and teaching.
Studiengang | Agency | Date accredited |
Doctoral programme in Medical Sciences (Dr. scient. med./PhD) | ACQUIN | 20 December 2019 |
Doctoral programme in Law (Dr. iur.) | ACQUIN | 28 July 2020 |