
The Private University in the Principality of Liechtenstein (UFL) positions itself as a modern university-level educational institution based on the principles of independence in teaching and research. Our aim is to make a significant contribution to scientific and social development through high-quality educational programmes and innovative research.
With our two faculties – the Faculty of Medical Sciences and the Faculty of Law – we offer a wide range of study programmes that are specifically designed to be taken part-time. This flexible structure enables our students to combine their academic studies with professional commitments and thus effectively pursue their career goals.
UFL is home to three recognised research institutes: the Institute of Laboratory Medicine, the Institute of Translational Medicine and the Institute for Liechtenstein Law and Legal Theory.
As a university committed to excellence in all aspects of its work, we invite you to become part of our vibrant and inspiring community. Discover how UFL can support your academic ambitions and help you realise your full potential.
UFL enables people to prove themselves in the knowledge society. This is a permanent, lifelong cycle. UFL provides the key to unlocking the door to new worlds of knowledge and experience. It is the task of UFL to actively participate in the sustainable further development of an equal society.
UFL is an agile and independent university in the Principality of Liechtenstein. Under the motto “Education is life-long!”, UFL fulfils the task of enabling working people in particular to work academically and make a creative impact. UFL participates in the formation of values in society by conducting a self-critical discourse and orienting its research towards ethical and socially relevant topics. UFL devotes particular attention to the overarching themes of diversity and sustainability. As an educational institution, it thus contributes to the beneficial development of society. To this end, it develops and tests the necessary concepts.
The values of the Private University in the Principality of Liechtenstein (UFL) reflect our dedication to life-long and career-long education by providing those interested with the skills to carry out independent academic work. We are committed to independent and free research and guarantee the highest quality in teaching and research with our name. Our commitment to sustainable development, particularly in the field of education and science, emphasises our contribution to a better future.
As a unique educational institution in the region and beyond, we fulfil the clear need for continuous learning. Our agility and independence drive us to innovate daily in teaching and research and to address current social developments. A culture of mutual understanding and diversity is deeply rooted in our self-image.
We are an innovative team that fully identifies with the goals and tasks of UFL and contributes to their realisation. Our work contributes to the diversity of education in Liechtenstein and to the enhancement of Triesen as a centre of education. We strengthen our network by fostering co-operation in research and teaching with national and international partners who share our values. We offer a platform for academic exchange and make science and research accessible to a wide audience, which is in line with our core values of openness and a sense of community.
2020 | Celebration of the university’s 20th anniversary and realisation of a room extension to meet the increasing demands of students and teaching staff. |
2019 | Introduction of further training programmes aimed at further deepening and expanding the specialist skills of graduates. |
Since 2017 | Switch to annual start dates for both doctoral programmes in order to continuously meet the growing demand for qualified specialists. |
2. April 2008 | The name change is officially approved and the university henceforth bears the name “Private University in the Principality of Liechtenstein”. |
2007 | Start of the first study programme in the Law doctoral programme, also designed to be part-time in order to offer a flexible study structure. |
2005 | Start of the first programme of the doctor of Medical Sciences degree course, which is offered on a part-time basis and enables students to combine their academic education with professional commitments. |
August 2006 | The members of the university council submit an application to the government of the Principality of Liechtenstein for a name change to better reflect the new orientation of the university. |
Summer 2004 | The university undergoes a fundamental reorganisation of its teaching and research focus, with the previous subjects of psychology and philosophy being replaced by departments in the medical and natural sciences and law. |
4. April 2003 | State recognition of the university is granted by the government of the Principality of Liechtenstein, based on the results of a comprehensive peer review and recognition of the institution’s outstanding pioneering achievements. |
3. October 2000 | Official opening of the University of Human Sciences in the Principality of Liechtenstein. |
29. August 2000 | The University receives official authorisation from the Principality of Liechtenstein to be established and run. |
Facts and figures
(Period 2023)

Enrolment by place of residence

Proportion of women/men
Dr. scient. med.

of which 46% are women
Proportion of women/men
Dr. iur.

of which 29.4% are women