Prof. Dr. iur. Oliver Fehrenbacher
Universität Konstanz | UFL
Oliver Fehrenbacher has been Professor of Civil Law and Business Law at the Faculty of Law of the Private University in the Principality of Liechtenstein (UFL) as a permanent visiting professor since 2021.
Oliver Fehrenbacher initially studied finance at Ludwigsburg University of Applied Sciences and, after graduating with a degree in finance, worked for a short time in the tax authorities in Baden-Württemberg. He then studied law at the University of Konstanz and completed his legal clerkship in the district of the Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart. He gained professional experience in a tax and auditing firm. His subsequent doctorate on the subject of “Taxes and financial planning in corporate groups” brought him back to the University of Konstanz as a research assistant. After his habilitation on the subject of “Register publicity and liability in civil law”, he was awarded a teaching license for civil law, commercial, corporate and tax law. Subsequent appointments and activities as a professor led him to the University of Kiel and the University of Trier. In 2011, he was appointed to the University of Konstanz. Oliver Fehrenbacher has held the Chair of Civil Law with Personal and Corporate Tax Law at the University of Konstanz since the winter semester 2011/2012. In addition to his work in Konstanz, he has been active for many years in continuing education for the (now) EBS Executive School in Oestrich-Winkel in various continuing education programs and in the Master's degree in Insolvency Law and Reorganization Proceedings at Trier University of Applied Sciences. His current research focuses on the areas of national and international insolvency law and reorganization proceedings. His current research focuses on the areas of national and international corporate tax law with its corporate law aspects, accounting law and contract law.
Oliver Fehrenbacher is a member of the UFL Senate.