
The Private University in the Principality of Liechtenstein (UFL) is a non-profit foundation in the sense of Art. 552 ff. of the Liechtenstein Persons and Companies Act (PGR) based in Triesen.
Accordingly, both the PGR and the Liechtenstein University Act (HSG) must be reflected in the university statute.
The foundation council is the supreme body of the university. It decides on matters of fundamental importance to the university and supervises the activities of the university council and the university management.

Prof. Dr. med. Lorenz Risch, PhD MPH MHAPräsident des Stiftungsrats
The university council is an advisory body. He advises the foundation council in all matters concerning the strategic direction of the university.

Prof. Dr. med. Harald RenzCo-Vorsitzender des Universitätsrats

Dr. iur. Heinz FrommeltCo-Vorsitzender des Universitätsrats

Prof. Dr. Sabina GallatiMitglied des Universitätsrats

Prof. Dr. med. Thomas HeideggerMitglied des Universitätsrats

Dr. iur. Silvia HessMitglied des Universitätsrats
The university management is the operational management body of the university for the entire university. It consists of the rector and the prorector.

Dr. phil. Barbara Gant
The senate is an independent body. It is the direct supervisory body of the university management for internal and organisational issues. It deals with the academic development of the university and can give its opinion to the attention of the foundation council on issues of importance to the university as a whole.

Prof. Dr. iur. Jens EisfeldChairman of the UFL Senate | Dean of the Faculty of Law | Head of Faculty
Institute of Liechtenstein Law and Legal Theory | Faculty of Law
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